Clarity Sessions
As a graduate of a MSc in Creativity, Creative Problem Solving and Change Leadership, I understand the power of questions in order to find solutions.
As well, I have discovered the power of intuition and ways to access our innate knowing. We all have it, we only need to trust and practise listening to it.
Since everything is energy, there is no limit to what to how you can use your intuition for guidance.
Intuitive Clarity sessions are fun, here's how it works:
1. We formulate a question that will provide insight you desire.
2. Draw to receive wisdom from intuition.
3. Interpret what intuition is communicating through the drawing and colours.
Types of sessions:
Individual - Personal readings for clarity to your burning questions
Group - looking for fun ways to connect as a group with and learn something too.
I also offer the following:
- Soul essence drawing (Soul Essence Painting, see Custom Paintings)
Workshops : teaching The Archelaus method of Intuitive Art, an easy three step tool that allows you to get answers from your Higher Self.
Please feel free to contact me for more info at